2023-2024 English with11-Ene: The Audio Recording Booth

One of this year’s projects with this group is a podcast. The students have decided on Classroom Chronicles as its name. I’ve added ADV as in  “advanced.”

This morning I prepared an impromptu recording booth and had the students record some content based on the unit we began in the previous class about the Native Americans of the USA. It’s like a trial run of the project.

If this works out successfully, we should be able to get the podcast going. Hopefully, everyone involved will enjoy it. Who knows where it may lead us? I appreciate the students’ willingness to participate and count on their growing enthusiasm.  Fingers crossed!~~LMM


This cover art was submitted by “Isadora.”


This was a preliminary model for the cover art.

Order! Order! Order in the court!

Reviews of the elements of the short story activity:

“While most of the activity went off without a hitch, the behavior of the class was chaotic, impulsive. Group #___, however, had near excellent teamwork and demonstrated dominion  (mastery)over most of the topic.”

“In the activity, there were some things that could have gone better. We noticed that constantly the same students answered all the questions. Also, that the questions should’ve been approved before the activity to prevent disorganization. Also, that there was one group that was contradicting everyone else instead of accepting that the other group was correct. This should improve for other activities, that will help it to be organized and calm.”

“The people that were answering the questions were fighting, talking loudly and didn’t let the person in front finish the answer. The activity was great and it was fun seeing other people trying to answer.  We could repeat this activity with another topic.”

There could have been more order and silence. And some students were screaming the answer and others couldn’t hear the questions because of the screaming.”



Thanks for the reviews!

So people, if we were to do another activity like this one, what are your suggestions?

And by the way, I did not want to look at the questions beforehand. ~~LMMolina