2023-2024: What a school year! (11-Ene)

To the English 11 Advanced level group:

This year 2023-2024 has been an emotional roller coaster!   What with the announcement at the beginning of the second semester that our school operations would cease effective May 30, it has been quite hectic. Teaching has always been a challenge but these past few months have been even more so. It’s only natural. Everyone has had to adjust to the news.

It is with great sadness that I take leave of you. My time had come to retire but I had planned to do so gradually. I would so have loved to be your teacher in your Senior year! Ever since I took you on towards the second half of your 10th grade, I knew you were a very special group. You have shown me that you are willing to accept challenges because you know it promotes intellectual growth.

I was so pleased that you were willing to take on the podcast project which for me was not only fun but exciting as well! Not many students are willing to do something like that and carry it off smoothly (just a few glitches now and then!).

In my heart I know you will succeed wherever you go. Thank you for accepting me as your learning facilitator! We learned from each other which is how it should be! It is always a collaborative effort, never a one-sided affair.

If possible, could you keep me informed of your progress in your new school? I would love to know how you’re doing.

As always, stay safe and God bless! ~LMMolina