Love and Hate on the Playground: The Ups and Downs of “Romance”

                    Playground in the 1950s


As a child, did you have any mishaps in the “romantic” department? If you did, what were the consequences? When I look back on what happened in this episode, all I can do is laugh! You probably will too when you recall your childhood sometime in the near future. Just goes to show that some things never change! ~~LMM


A Literary Cornucopia Episode 98: Love and Hate on the Playground

Classroom Chronicles Advanced: Episode 4

Group 11-Ene (2023-2024):

Your views on the novel made me cry but in a good way.  I also laughed while listening to some of the audios because of the dynamics (check out the audios created by Julián with Dariel and Fabián with Morera). Victoria and Alanis were very sentimental.  I’ve discovered that recording with another classmate is a plus. You play off of each other’s ideas. It’s entertaining.

Check out Episode 4 on Classroom Chronicles Advanced to hear Diego with Luciano and Andrea by herself.

On my podcast, I uploaded Adriana and Mia’s audio which delved deeper into what was discussed in class as a whole. It is Episode 97 on A Literary Cornucopia

For your information, I’m keeping your audios here on this blog so I have them as a future reference of what was done in class this school year.

It’s been a real treat so far! I’m looking forward to more of your audio shenanigans.  ~~LMM

Alanis Zayas


Fabián Torres and A. Morera


Julián Pagán and Dariel Cortés


Johanelys Molina


Victoria Reyes and Alanis Avilés


Final Exam Content May 2023: English 12

Motivation is in all of us. Finding the right one is the key to success. ~~LMM


Check out the Final Exam  content (and instructions).

Scheduled date and times:

Wednesday, May 8

  • 8:00-9:20 AM: Groups 12-Ana and 12-PJ
  • 9:20-10:40 AM: Group 12-Nil

Further details:

The exam is on paper so you may use pencil or pen to complete the exam.

In Part One you will read two articles (informational texts) and answer several questions.

In Part Two you will complete an exercise on commonly confused words.

I wish you success! ~~LMM


Field Trip to Ponce: Serrallés Castle Museum


I made a simple slideshow with 4 videos that I took. Make sure your videos are public if you want to do this (and you don’t have an active YouTube account).

Field Trip Videos

I also published a related post on my professional site Teaching Tidbits:

Field Trips: The-ever-useful-teaching-tool

Looking forward to checking out what you’re doing with this assessment. ~~LMMolina