2023-2024 English 11 Advanced: On R-W Activity XI

One of my favorite activities to check (and I read through all of them!) is the reading and writing ones. I get to delve into what the students got out of the activities done in class. I ask myself two questions: What did they learn? How did they feel while performing the different tasks?

Through this process, I also learn something. I ask myself more questions. What could I do or have done to make each more meaningful? Did I assign something that each could take away and apply later in their student or their personal life? I certainly hope so! If not, what would be the use?

Browse through some I’ve included below.  What do you think the students learned? Were the activities meaningful? ~~LMMolina

















National Poetry Month: Edgar Allan Poe, Anyone?

Is it a coincidence that I decided to include the unit on poetry in April, National Poetry Month? Maybe. Subconsciously I might have been drawn to the idea of incorporating some poetry towards the end of this our last school year. Poetry brings out sentimental feelings so it might be appropriate.

At the top of my favorite poets list is Edgar Allan Poe.  His poetry has always moved me because of its haunting themes. His life was shrouded in mystery which factors in to his attraction by many, myself included. What about you? How do you feel about this poet and his work?

Here’s my poem inspired by this moody poet: Episode 101 on ALC: National Poetry Month

And here’s the poem by the man himself:

A Dream Within a Dream

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand —
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep — while I weep!
O God! Can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

Does it inspire you to write a poem of your own? I hope so! ~~LMMolina

English 12 and “The Road Not Taken”

“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost got a few students thinking about the choices they have made or will make that have consequences. Good or bad? Who knows? Making choices is always a learning experience.

Which path will you take and where will it lead you? ~~LMM




Listening-Speaking Activity: Audios by 11-Ene (March 2024)



Making choices always has consequences. Some for good, others, well, it’s another matter.

Some of the students from this group were really inspired by Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken.”

Check out some of the audios. On a scale of 1 to 10 (the higher the score, the more you appreciated it), what rating would you give it? ~~LMM











2023-2024 Assessment #10: Group Work: The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Audio/videos done by the groups:

“Between Friends”

No Man’s Land Radio Station Website

Roller Coaster Disaster

“Ring of Faith”

Love and Hate on the Playground: The Ups and Downs of “Romance”

                    Playground in the 1950s


As a child, did you have any mishaps in the “romantic” department? If you did, what were the consequences? When I look back on what happened in this episode, all I can do is laugh! You probably will too when you recall your childhood sometime in the near future. Just goes to show that some things never change! ~~LMM


A Literary Cornucopia Episode 98: Love and Hate on the Playground

Classroom Chronicles Advanced: Episode 4

Group 11-Ene (2023-2024):

Your views on the novel made me cry but in a good way.  I also laughed while listening to some of the audios because of the dynamics (check out the audios created by Julián with Dariel and Fabián with Morera). Victoria and Alanis were very sentimental.  I’ve discovered that recording with another classmate is a plus. You play off of each other’s ideas. It’s entertaining.

Check out Episode 4 on Classroom Chronicles Advanced to hear Diego with Luciano and Andrea by herself.

On my podcast, I uploaded Adriana and Mia’s audio which delved deeper into what was discussed in class as a whole. It is Episode 97 on A Literary Cornucopia

For your information, I’m keeping your audios here on this blog so I have them as a future reference of what was done in class this school year.

It’s been a real treat so far! I’m looking forward to more of your audio shenanigans.  ~~LMM

Alanis Zayas


Fabián Torres and A. Morera


Julián Pagán and Dariel Cortés


Johanelys Molina


Victoria Reyes and Alanis Avilés


Classroom Chronicles Advanced: Episode 3 Part Two


It was definitely an interesting unit on Gothic literature! Apparently closing with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was a good idea. Everyone made excellent contributions. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. ~~LMM

Here are your audios:

A. Zayas and D. Ortega


A. Morera and F. Torres


A. Morales and M. Vargas


J. Molina and V. Reyes


L. Erazo and A. Vicente


J. Pagán and D. Cortés


Check out the CCA episode on the podcast with hosts A. Medina and A. Avilés. Click the link below.

Podcast Episode 3 Part 2


Black Cats and Silver Bells (a novella)

I’d started writing this short story around January of 2022. It eventually resulted in a novella.  I got carried away because I really enjoyed writing the story. This was my second and final draft completed on 11 April 2022. It was done using Google docs which has been a time-saver in the process.

Here is Black Cats and Silver Bells by LM

I am still deciding on the cover art for the work. Recommendations will be most welcome! ~~LMM